Local Focus


Pray that God would use our efforts in youth ministry to lay a foundation of faith for our students. Pray for Pastor Chris as he leads the ministry, as well as his adult volunteers. Pray that God would grow them to be faithful followers of Jesus who read the Word, pray, and share their faith regularly. Pray that students will continue to invite and bring their lost/unchurched friends. Pray that God will draw them to salvation and growth through the relationships and conversations and time here. 



Pray for our sister church, FBC Umatilla. Pray for pastor Brooks Braswell and the staff. Pray for the members, especially those volunteering in key roles. Pray that they would have a great impact on reaching the community for Christ. Pray that God would grow their fervor for telling others about Jesus, reading the Word, and prayer. 



Pray for our national leadership who shape US foreign policy. As war in Ukraine and Israel continue, we see the real time effects of our foreign policy positions and postures. Pray that God would grant wisdom to policy-makers so that they will take positions rooted in fact, aimed at solutions, and resulting in human flourishing. Pray for the continued conflict with Israel and the new attacks from Iran. Pray that God will protect the innocent and bring swift justice to evil. Pray that our country will support the efforts of Israel to defend itself and eliminate threats. Pray that a swift resolution can be made to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. 


North America:

The snow-capped summit of Mt. Hood is one of the first things visible when flying over Portland. The largest city in Oregon, it is situated along the Willamette River and surrounded by natural beauty. Skiing, hiking, cycling, running—actives abound in this Pacific Northwest playground, and it appeals to those with a love of outdoor adventure and free thinking.

From free-range farming to fair-trade coffee, this area helped put the national spotlight back on the idea of slow flood and organic practices. Breweries are among the main attractions, and sporting goods giants such as Nike and Adidas have their North American headquarters here. It is home to both the hipsters and the homeless.

Recognized as the least religious city in America by the Public Religion Research Institute’s American Values Atlas, Portland only has a small evangelical presence. With neighborhoods across the region unreached and underserved, Southern Baptists are focusing on these places with strategic church plants and creative ministry efforts, and they hope to see more church planters and partners come alongside this vision.

“We need an abundance of sending and supporting churches to come alongside our planters in Portland,” said Clay Holcomb, Portland Send City missionary. “Our local church planters are beginning to form partnerships across the nation. Partnerships with fellow Southern Baptist churches are allowing new church plants to thrive while they spread the good news of Christ and form relationships with the people of Portland.”

Information gathered from North American Mission Board

Every Country:

Population: 10,503,734
People Groups: 38
Christian Population: 25.9%

Following its liberation from communist rule through the “velvet revolution” of 1989, the central European country of Czechoslovakia went through the “velvet divorce” in 1993.  This peaceful splitting of the state yielded the creation of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.  Today, the regions of Bohemia to the west and Moravia to the east comprise the two main regions and ethnic groups of the Czech Republic.  The capital, Prague, is a historic city with castles, palaces and spas along the Vltava (Moldau) River.

This densely populated country of small cities, towns and villages, has one of the most stable economies of the post-communist states in central and Eastern Europe.  Before the separation from communism, the Czech Republic was highly industrialized.  Its openness to foreign investment, a fairly low cost structure, and a well-qualified labor force have helped the post revolution economy to prosper.

The freedom of religion that came along with the fall of communism removed the resistance to church affiliation and practice, but a degree of complacency exists that has hurt the Church. Today more that 40 percent of the population profess atheism, with an additional 16 percent uncertain whether there is a God.  The Catholic Church has a stronger standing in the Czech Republic than any protestant denomination, but its priests and laity are both aging. Protestant churches are enjoying religious freedom for only the second time since 1620.

  • Pray for a lifting of the spiritual heaviness that permeates a culture continuing to spiral downward into further darkness.
  • Pray for Czech youth to embrace fresh and creative expressions of Christian fellowship and discipleship.
  • Prayer for one million copies of a newly translated Czech Bible to be distributed among the Czech people.

Information gathered from and Operation

Unreached Peoples:
Sunda in Indonesia

Population: 38,974,000
Worldwide: 38,974,000
Christian Population: 0.49%
Main Religion: Islam

The Sunda are the largest unreached people group in Indonesia; their homeland is in the province of West Java. The area inhabited by the Sunda is called “Sunda Land”. The Sunda live near the Javanese, Banten, Betawi and the coastal Javanese of Kulon. The Sunda are also called Priangan or Parahyangan.

For many generations, the Sunda have lived in West Java. Traditionally, the Sunda have been farmers, both for their own needs and for commerce. Due to the fertility of the land, West Java is a great area for farming and plantations. This area has long been known as the “rice basket” of Indonesia. In addition to growing rice, there are also tea plantations, particularly in the mountainous areas. Secondary crops and fruits also grow well and abundantly. The Sunda are famous for their friendliness. They are similar to the Javanese, particularly in the way they dress and the way they farm. The Sunda people place more emphasis on family and openness, whereas the Javanese tend to be more formal and hierarchical. Another difference from the Javanese is that Sundanese have a stronger devotion to Islam. Sundanese people believe that having a Sundanese character (kasundaan) is the best path of life. This character can be summed up as cageur (healthy), bageur (good), beneur (right), singeur (introspective) and pinteur (intelligent). This type of character has been pursued by people of western Java since the days of the Kingdom Salakanagara (130-362 AD). Although they live on the island of Java, the Sunda do not consider where they live to be “Java”, but “tatar Sunda” (the land of Sunda), with its own culture. Someone who moves from West Java to Central Java or East Java is said to have moved “to Java.” Industrial development and large housing projects have begun to change the Sunda way of life. Many Sunda no longer work as farmers. Many hold influential positions in the government, while others have become competent business people. In Sunda society, there are three authorities with strong influence: (1)the Muslim religious leaders such as teachers, preachers, or worship leaders; (2) the local government officials such as the regent and the regent’s staff; (3) the shamans with supernatural abilities and the martial arts teachers.

Almost all Sunda are Muslims. In many areas, Islam is mixed with Sunda traditional customs. The Sunda seek to protect their harmony with the natural world. They do this through traditional ceremonies for spiritual life and through group work for mutual assistance. In the legend of Lutung Kasarung, there is a belief that God incarnated himself in the world to protect humankind. This incarnation is called the dewata (gods and goddesses).

Statistical data on the inhabitants of West Java shows a high poverty rate. Because of this, the Sunda need help and guidance to raise their standard of living. This can be done by better development of human resources through education and training. There is also a need for agricultural investment and modernization. Another area needing improvement is the development of small to medium-sized businesses.

Information gathered from