Quarterly Business Meeting

After the worship service, we will have our regularly scheduled Quarterly Business Meeting. All members who feel comfortable to join us are encouraged to attend. Visitors may stay and observe.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

After the worship service on September 13th, the GIBC Quarterly Business Meeting will be held. Members are encouraged to attend. Visitors may stay and observe.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

After the worship service on December 13th, the GIBC Quarterly Business Meeting will be held. Members are encouraged to attend. Visitors may stay and observe.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

After the worship service on March 7th, the GIBC Quarterly Business Meeting will be held. Members are encouraged to attend. Visitors may stay and observe.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

June 13th after the worship service. All members are encouraged to stay. Visitors are invited to stay and watch.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

September 5th after the worship service. All members are encouraged to stay. Visitors are invited to stay and watch.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

Members, join us December 5th immediately after the service for our regularly scheduled business meeting which will include the 2022 Proposed Budget, Deacon Nominations, and Leadership Nominations along with many other ministry updates. Non-members may stay and observe.

Quarterly Business Meeting

Grand Island Baptist Church

Members, join us March 6th immediately after the service for our regularly scheduled business meeting. Non-members may stay and observe.