Churchwide Bowling Fellowship

Breakpoint Alley 1950 Classique Lane, Tavares, FL, United States

Join us for a time of bowling, fellowship and ice cream at Breakpoint Alley, Tavares, Florida. The cost is $9 and includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, and ice cream.


Walk for Life

Fountain Green 128 N. Eustis Street, Eustis, FL, United States

Come show your support for Life's Choices Women's Clinic of Lake County by participating and/or cheering the participants at Walk for Life.

Women’s Eat and Give Meet

Grand Oaks Resort 300 Marion County Road, Weirsdale, FL, United States

The women’s ministry will have an “Eat & Give” meet at Grand Oaks Resort. Everyone who has reserved their spot will meet at the church at 11:15 that morning. Please pray for our server on the day we meet.

Daylight Savings Time

Just a reminder to make sure your clocks are set an hour ahead Daylight Savings Time starts today!

Happy Heart Luncheon

Grand Island Baptist Church

Come and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship for Senior Adults. A cash donation of $3 is appreciated. Please see back of connection card of the bulletin for sign up.

Wednesday Night Summer Schedule

Grand Island Baptist Church

Starting Wednesday, June 3rd, we will being meeting on Wednesday night on our Summer schedule. All classes (Prayer Meeting, Island Kids, and Student Ministry) will be meeting from 6:30-7:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!

Bible Fellowship Group

Grand Island Baptist Church

This Sunday, we are resuming our Bible Fellowship Group at 9:15 a.m. The Student Ministry will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall. The Children will be meeting in the Children's Building. All Adult Groups will be meeting together in the sanctuary. Those who feel comfortable in returning are encouraged to attend Bible Fellowship Group.

Honoring Our Graduates

Grand Island Baptist Church

During the service, we will be honoring the 2020 High School Graduates from our congregation. Join us in celebrating this milestone in their lives!

The Lord’s Supper

Grand Island Baptist Church

During the worship service, we will be partaking in The Lord's Supper. Because of social distancing guidelines,  we will modify our normal way in which we partake.

Quarterly Business Meeting

After the worship service, we will have our regularly scheduled Quarterly Business Meeting. All members who feel comfortable to join us are encouraged to attend. Visitors may stay and observe.